Wishful Singing is a top-ranking international a cappella ensemble consisting of five young female singers from the Netherlands. Their repertoire covers a great variety of styles.
Whether performing a tranquil renaissance harmony or a groovy arrangement of a classic pop song, the quintet engages their audience with their powerful expression, flawless vocal blend, shared sense of humor and their feel for the theatrical.
The ensemble has been awarded a series of prizes. Wishful Singing performs at major venues in the Netherlands and concert tours have taken them to venues and festivals around the world.
» Wishful Singing Homepage
Gideon Efrati's three arrangements for Whishful Singing:
To Gideon Efrati
We have asked a lot of composers and arrangers to write for Wishful Singing. Making the music work for five female voices is not an easy task, but you are one of the few people that understand how to write for a cappella ensembles! Your arrangements are rich and beautiful. And we really like how the different voices create great rhythms together. We hope your music will travel all around the world.
Wishful Singing