Pitzicanto choir

Pitzicanto choir : Beautiful That Way–La vita è bella
Music: Nicola Pavioni; Lyrics: Noa; Gil Dor
Arrangement: Gideon Efrati

Theme from the Roberto Benigni motion picture "La Vita e Bella" (Life is Beautiful).
Sung by the Pizzicanto Children's Choir, conducted by Gideon Efrati,
As performed in "In the Beginning: Voyage" at the Southern Arava Renewable Energy Conference, February 2011, directed by Ayelet Krispin.
Musicians: Yaheli Leibrech: Acoustic guitar • Gil Ben-Zvi: G.Bass • Mike Harris: Drums •
Shai Ramos: Percussion
Vocalists: Efrat Marciano • Bareket Triefler • Sevy DeHahn • Yaheli Bernstein • Hillel Ziv, Ranan Maoudeh • Roi Selah • Razi Halaby • Hili Berman • Gai Levy • Shaked Keinan • Yuval Shmuel • Sivan Berkovich • Inbal Batash • Risan Factor • Reut Goldman • Sabrine Akoun • Zina Dan • Amira Vagira.


Smile, without a reason why,
Love, as if you were a child,
Smile, no matter what they tell you,
Don't listen to a word they say–
'Cause life is beautiful that way.

Tears, a tidal wave of tears,
Light that slowly disappears,
Wait, before you close the curtain,
There's still another game to play–
And life is beautiful that way.

Here, in his eyes forever more,
I will always be as close as you remember
From before.
Now that you're out there on your own,
Remember what is real ,
And what we dream is love alone.

Keep the laughter in your eyes,
Soon your long awaited prize,
We'll forget about our sorrow,
And think about a brighter day–
'Cause life is beautiful that way.

Beautiful That Way
Beautiful That Way