Ramat Hanegev Sänger

All close spread good
All far
Hine patachti chalon
Ramat ha Negev
Sapari Tama

The Ramat haNegev Singers (RNS) is a local vocal ensemble drawing its members from the Ramat haNegev outlying region as well as Beer Sheva and its suburbs.
The ensemble is sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the regional council and represents the region in international, regional, and local performances. RNS’s musical director is composer, vocal and musical arranger, and pianist Gideon Efrati.
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The Ramat haNegev Singers (RNS) is a local vocal ensemble drawing its members from the Ramat haNegev outlying region as well as Beer Sheva and its suburbs.
The ensemble is sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the regional council and represents the region in international, regional, and local performances.
RNS’s musical director is composer, vocal and musical arranger, and pianist Gideon Efrati.

Working nine to five…and singing at night!

RNS members receive professional voice training, giving them the tools to cope with mixed vocalization, changes in singing style, and harmonies as they apply to their repertoire, which includes various musical genres from classical Israeli works (both new and old), jazz, rock, and close harmony singing.
In addition to formal instruction, RNS members rehearse on their own, ensuring a high level of artistic performances, some of which include accompaniment by professional musicians from the community or guest musicians from outside the area. The addition of the musical accompaniment challenges RNS and enhances its professional abilities.

From the musical director:

Singing in a vocal ensemble obligates the quest to develop and master the individual voice. The soloist requires maximum focus and awareness of his or her tone or pitch while at the same time listening to the sound of the entire ensemble. S/he needs to be aware of the character of the song as well as the style of singing a particular passage. The added value gained from the solo experience is the personal self-confidence derived from the ability to express deep emotion from the interface of lyrics and melody.

A Midsummer Night’s Eve of song

RNS regularly hosts musical gatherings emphasizing various genres (examples include the songs of Rahel Shapira, Uzi Hitman, and Leah Goldberg; songs from the Bible; and The Scent of a Woman). In addition, each summer, RNS hosts an evening of song in the amphitheatre at the Ben-Gurion Institute, which has included the songs of Ehud Manor, Natan Alterman, Natan Zach, Dalia Rabinovitz, and others. These popular evenings feature accompanists including guest soloists and musicians, as well as audience participation.


Desert Notes

RNS participation in the prestigious Desert Notes Festival organized by musical director, composer, and conductor Professor Michael Wolpe, include:

  • December 2008 - RNS performed in the orchestration of Nisim Nisimov’s Song of Songs Symphony
  • December 2009 - RNS performed in the opening concert of A Tribute to Naomi Shemer
  • December 2010 - RNS performed in the opening concert honoring the works of Leah Goldberg
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